Sun Microsystems is looking to reduce the fragmentation of Java Platform Micro Edition Java ME) and its first step is to offer a compiled binary to Hewlett-Packard for its new HP iPAQ 900 series of Business Messenger smartphones (see image).
Sun Engineering Services handled the development, compile and testing of the Java Wireless Client binaries - Sun's Java ME implementation for wireless handsets -- for the iPaq, working in conjunction with HP to implement a specific feature set.
The Sun Java Wireless Client software integrates with the Windows Mobile 6.1 native user interface, enabling customers to view e-mail in the original HTML format and access contact information, among other features.
Normally, Sun delivers a code base to Java ME licensees, and they do their own development, testing and tuning. However, this has allowed fragmentation to creep into the product line as different cell phone makers introduced their own changes.